Refer to B taxonomy
Mode of Delivery
If you have more than one mode of delivery, select all that apply or write under "Other" section.
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Please use Bloom's taxonomy to find the action words that will best describe what the students should be able to do.
Bloom's Taxonomy:
Please list topics (Do not include dates specific to a semester)
(e.g., requirements for participation and interaction, discussion board requirements, communication policies/etiquette, homework, daily responsibilities, project group processes, tests/exams/quizzes)
Please include a percentage for any of the above-listed student responsibilities that are graded. Also, clarify the grading scale to be used. Details on how assessment and evaluation will be done are not needed here for the Curriculum File Syllabus, but are essential for the Student Syllabus. Kindly add the following statement here for the purpose of the University Curriculum Committee, “Please refer to the Learning Management System [Canvas] for more details on assessment and evaluation.”
e.g., web-based, labs, study groups, available tutoring, or other types of help that are consistent any time the course is offered.
Department or Instructor Specific Policy
Enter your email address.