Dear Graduate Students of IME, To submit yearly evaluations and build your GradFolder within the department and the university, please use the following portal. This will be added to your official overall record. Please feel free to request your student ' IME folder for archiving, etc... at any time in the future. *Engineering Mgt (non-thesis) students may bypass thesis-related forms. Thesis graduate students (including MS and PhD are required to turn in milestone forms for the degree) **Students should utilize the university's Docusign accounts and Cc Ms. Fowler, within Docusign. Generated Docusign documents can be uploaded to this portal. Each student can update their submission on a continual basis. Best Regards, Dr. Tarik Dickens, IME Dept. Graduate Director Any noted information can be directed towards: Nicole Fowler, IME Dept. Grad. Coordinator Contact:
Please fill out with brevity and attach the most relevant information as requested.
Name of active Ph.D. student from 1st year to final year in the program.
University the student will official graduate from.
Not to be confused with graduate seminar
You will only submit documents here depending on the university type.
FSU students
FAMU students (similar to FSU Dept. Assessment GST)
For FAMU student submissions, please remind your student to submit the Progress_Report_Part 2 Student form by emailing it to Ms. Nicole Fowler
FAMU students
You will only submit documents here depending on the students timeline and milestone. Departmental forms can be accessed here: & This portal is used to build the students overall personal folder and degree record. This information can be delivered to the advisor upon request.
All student types
All student types.
All student types
All student types
All student types